A storyteller with the right fusion of vision, passion, heart

Greg Kriek

There was a boy who was inspired by telling stories. He lost himself in books so much that he had to start telling the stories with friends via a video tape recorder. He and his friends used to cut together their own movies and handmade title sequences.  He would wake up to see a world filled with drama, conflict, suspense, adventure, and fantasy. It made him feel alive. He would just sit and listen to people and came to this amazing conclusion…   People are moved by emotion and the best emotions are usually engaged by this simple phrase- once upon a time…  He believed that one needs to be training your mind as well as skill. So what did he do next? He started in school working on film sets, from being a runner, making coffee and getting to know the film hierarchy. He studied, worked hard and fell more in love with the film industry. So the next best thing to do was to enrol to the Afda film school where he studied directing and writing. He further has a honours in communication and post graduate in psychology. He is currently busy with his masters in fine arts.

“”It’s not everyday you find a storyteller with the right fusion of vision, passion, heart and the technical expertise to pull it off. Desmond Denton embodies everything all great storytellers are- his relentless pursuit of using media to impact others is not only inspiring, but riveting to watch unfold.” Greg Kriek

For the last two years he has won over 16 international awards for is film work and is currently in post production with his apocalyptic tv series Spelonk, set for international release. One of his biggest tests was to take on the 48hour film challenge where they received 12 nominations and 3 awards. This included best film rated by audience review.

The boy with dreams, is now an award winning filmmaker who walks with a strong vision of creativity, vision, passion and heart. This fearless and talented man is… Desmond Denton, International award winning storyteller.

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